Monday, May 14, 2012

Kingdom Protista


General description



   Lack tissues that most members of the plinth kingdom have

   Membrane bound nucleus with chromosomes and organelles

   Heterotrophic and autotrophic

   Reproduction is unknown

Defining characteristics

   Feed with a cytoplasm extentions

Evolutionary adaptations

   Developed a flagellum to help the mover

   Cell wall to protect the cell

Ecological importance

   Decomposers of organic matter

   In large food webs that feeds large fish

   Important in many food webs

Example from kingdom

   Giardia labial found almost anywhere

Feeds on insects and feces

Can cause a disease if it infects a human

Get into food or unclean water

Most are are filled with it

Most likely to be infected while camping

Kingdom Fungi

Kingdom Fungi

Every fungi contains mass of interwoven hyphae is called mycelium.

4.The mycelium may be unicellular or multicellular.

5.Fungi have definie cell wall made up of chitin.

6They have reserved food material in the form of glycogen or oil-droplets

7.They reproduce vegetatively by fragmentation,asexually by spores and sexually by gamates.

Defining characteristics

.It is a plant like microscopic multicellular organism living on a nutrient substrate.

2.They are achlorophyllous,heterotrophic thallophytes.

3.Every fungi contains mass of interwoven hyphae is called mycelium.

4.The mycelium may be unicellular or multicellular.

5.Fungi have definie cell wall made up of chitin.

6They have reserved food material in the form of glycogen or oil-droplets

7.They reproduce vegetatively by fragmentation,asexually by spores and sexually by gamates.

Evolutionary adaptations

   Replaced cholesterol with erfosterol

   Fast spreading hypogea which is used for absorption to live in climates that are more dry

   Don’t have flagellated cells

   Produce large number of spores

Ecological importance


   Grow everywhere

   Used as pillution indicatior

   Help trees and plants to absorb nutrients

Example form kingdom

   Asomycota or sac fungi
Live in all habitats

   Includes yeast and some editable fungi

   Partners with lichens

   Sexual reproduction happens within a ascus

   Its plaved in the subkingdom disarray

   All members can be traced back to common ancestors



General Description of Group:



   notochord and a spinal cord, spinal column, The skeleton is an endoskeleton--on the inside of soft tissue acting as an armature, rather than on the outside--like on insects--like armor.



Defining Characteristics of group:

   A dorsal hollow nerve chord (a bundle of nerves that runs along the back side of the animal as opposed to the ventral or belly side)

2. notochord (what becomes the vertebra in vertebrates but is simply a stiff but movable "rod" in other chordates)

3. pharyngeal slits (slits in the pharynx or throat, only present in many chordates in the embryonic stages)

4. endostyle or thyroid (vertebrates have a thyroid, all other chordates have an endostyle. they both do the same basic thing only a thyroid has some functions an endostyle does not)

5. post anal tail (exactly what it sounds like. obviously many chordates only have this in the embryonic stages as well. humans have one but grow out of it very early in gestation)

Evolutionary Adaptations

   Survive on land

   Breath are (lungs)

   Limbs to move

   Jaws to break down food

   Regulate internal temp

Ecological importance

   Replace nutrients on soil when passed away

   Keep popu;ation of animals down to reduce over pop                        
Example of kingdom

    Flamingo (Phoenicopterus)Found in tropical and suptropic

   Six different species

   19 bones in neck

   Colors come from diet

   On one leg to reduce amount of body heat in cold water

   Males and females feed yound with milk

   The name flamingo comes form latin word flamenco meaning fire, and refers to the bring color





   Spores spread by wind

   Sexual and asexual


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Kingdom Animalia

General Discription of Group: They are multicellular Prokaryotic cells. They can have hair, scales and leathery skin or hide. They can have bilateral, radial and asymetric symmetry. They are heterotrophic- they can be omnivores, herbivores, or carnivores. They reproduce sexually through mitosis.

Defining Characteristics of Group: They move and they are able to respond quickly through the systems of the body ex. nervous system, muscle and tissues or nerve cells.

Evolutionary Adaptations: They are belived to be derived from the earliest ancestor of the fish. They are the most complex organisms out of all the kingdoms. Adpatations of limbs, 4 chamber closed circulatory systems have made each organism more and more efficient.

Ecological Importance: Without any of the kingdoms the ecological balance would be upset. Without animalia, nothing would have predators or prey there would be only plants and bateria, and protists. There would be not complexity of animals or evolution because nothing would be preying on plants so they would not change. There would be not productivity of the earth.

2.)Animalia, Animals
3.)Habitat=Everywhere. Niche=predators, basically the whole food chain are animalia.
4.)over 2 million species
they respond to their enviornment
they are motile
obtain and use energy
require oxygen for metabolism.

Kingdom Plantae

General Description: Plants are multicellular, and they are eukaryotic. They have cytoplasm and no mitochondria. They also have chlorphyll and are photosynthetic. They reproduce sexually and asexually, it depends on the type of plant and how they grow and disperse their seeds to make offspring.

Defining Characteristics of Group: Some characteristics is that they have petals, they do not move, they have stomata and their cells are usually in a square or rectagular shape. They are green and sometimes have other colors.

Evolutionary Adaptations: They are believed to come form green algae and then adapted to land masses. They probably lived on the edges of lakes and ponds and relied on water droplets to bring the egg to sperm. They most likely had a moss like appearance and the earliest fossil record is 450 million years old.

Ecological Importance: Plants are improtant because without them we would have to producers to change light energy to chemical energy and feed the rest of the animals in the world. Nothing would be able to live besides bacteria.

Example from Kingdom:
2.) Plantae, Plant
3.)Habitat= Everywhere. Niche= They are the starters of all food chains, they stimulate all energy.
4.)Water flows upright through Capillary action into the stem and leaves.
Buds are small swellings from a plant.
Flowers are colorful because it attracts animals and insects that pollinate them
Roots are covered with root hairs
Fruit is part of the flower in which seed grow


General Discription of Group: Eubacteria is unicellular and prokaryotic. They can be multicellular or they can colonize and come together. They have a slimy cell membrane that protects them from parasitic organisims. They are heterotrophs. They have Ribosomes and a plasmid membrane in the cytoplasm. They reproduce asexually.

Defining Characteristics of Group: They do not have mitochondrion or chloroplasts, a rigid cell wall, they can have flagella and they have spores. They are spiral shaped, rod shaped or spherical.

Evolutionary Adaptations: This is basically a more progressed adaptation of archaebacteria. They are more efficient than archaebacteria because they are the more modern version of them. They are mostly filled with ribosomes and are not very complex organisms.

Ecological Importance: They used in many antibiotics and help us digest our food. Without them we would not have many developed medications or be able to digest anything, or it would be very difficult.

Example from kingdom:
2.) Eubacteria, Bacteria
3.) Habitat=Everywhere. Niche= they have roles in humans lives and medicine, cheese, wine and many basic food products that we consume everyday.
4.) They have a very fast reproduction rate
They only move forward
They reproduce through Binary Fission
Their chemical make up is different from all other species
There are a lot of harmful bacteria as there are helpful.


General Discription of Group: Archaebacteria is unicellular, and is prokaryotic. Some distinguishing characterisitcs is that is has a cell wall, they live in enviornments without oxygen, and they reproduce asexually. Archaebacteria is chemosynthetic and that is how they make their food.

Defining Characteristics of Group: Archaebacteria has a cell wall, some have flagella, membrane bound cells, they do not have a nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi's, mitochondria, cytoplasts, or lysosomes.

Evolutionary Adaptations: This kingdom is one of the first and most simple organisms behind protists. Archaebacteria is not as effecient, complex and organized as protist and other kingdoms. They are thought to have risen from ancient bacteria that lived in extreme enviornments such as sulfur-rich deep sea vents.

Ecological Importance: Helps us understand evolutionary lineages of other species, and Studies have shown that they are linked to humans, and that helps us understand the evolutionary process of how it got us to where we are now.

Example from Kingdom:
2.)Haloquadra walsbyi
3.) Habitat= extreme enviornments. Niche= They are a big part of Salt lakes and Geysers, without them there would be none.
5.) Breaks down oil and lives in the lining of your stomach.
Archae means old in the greek language
they are 3.5 billion years old
There are 3 types of archaebacteria
they are not actually bacteria and belong to their own dominion.