Monday, May 14, 2012

Kingdom Fungi

Kingdom Fungi

Every fungi contains mass of interwoven hyphae is called mycelium.

4.The mycelium may be unicellular or multicellular.

5.Fungi have definie cell wall made up of chitin.

6They have reserved food material in the form of glycogen or oil-droplets

7.They reproduce vegetatively by fragmentation,asexually by spores and sexually by gamates.

Defining characteristics

.It is a plant like microscopic multicellular organism living on a nutrient substrate.

2.They are achlorophyllous,heterotrophic thallophytes.

3.Every fungi contains mass of interwoven hyphae is called mycelium.

4.The mycelium may be unicellular or multicellular.

5.Fungi have definie cell wall made up of chitin.

6They have reserved food material in the form of glycogen or oil-droplets

7.They reproduce vegetatively by fragmentation,asexually by spores and sexually by gamates.

Evolutionary adaptations

   Replaced cholesterol with erfosterol

   Fast spreading hypogea which is used for absorption to live in climates that are more dry

   Don’t have flagellated cells

   Produce large number of spores

Ecological importance


   Grow everywhere

   Used as pillution indicatior

   Help trees and plants to absorb nutrients

Example form kingdom

   Asomycota or sac fungi
Live in all habitats

   Includes yeast and some editable fungi

   Partners with lichens

   Sexual reproduction happens within a ascus

   Its plaved in the subkingdom disarray

   All members can be traced back to common ancestors

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