Wednesday, May 2, 2012


General Discription of Group: Archaebacteria is unicellular, and is prokaryotic. Some distinguishing characterisitcs is that is has a cell wall, they live in enviornments without oxygen, and they reproduce asexually. Archaebacteria is chemosynthetic and that is how they make their food.

Defining Characteristics of Group: Archaebacteria has a cell wall, some have flagella, membrane bound cells, they do not have a nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi's, mitochondria, cytoplasts, or lysosomes.

Evolutionary Adaptations: This kingdom is one of the first and most simple organisms behind protists. Archaebacteria is not as effecient, complex and organized as protist and other kingdoms. They are thought to have risen from ancient bacteria that lived in extreme enviornments such as sulfur-rich deep sea vents.

Ecological Importance: Helps us understand evolutionary lineages of other species, and Studies have shown that they are linked to humans, and that helps us understand the evolutionary process of how it got us to where we are now.

Example from Kingdom:
2.)Haloquadra walsbyi
3.) Habitat= extreme enviornments. Niche= They are a big part of Salt lakes and Geysers, without them there would be none.
5.) Breaks down oil and lives in the lining of your stomach.
Archae means old in the greek language
they are 3.5 billion years old
There are 3 types of archaebacteria
they are not actually bacteria and belong to their own dominion.

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