Monday, May 14, 2012



General Description of Group:



   notochord and a spinal cord, spinal column, The skeleton is an endoskeleton--on the inside of soft tissue acting as an armature, rather than on the outside--like on insects--like armor.



Defining Characteristics of group:

   A dorsal hollow nerve chord (a bundle of nerves that runs along the back side of the animal as opposed to the ventral or belly side)

2. notochord (what becomes the vertebra in vertebrates but is simply a stiff but movable "rod" in other chordates)

3. pharyngeal slits (slits in the pharynx or throat, only present in many chordates in the embryonic stages)

4. endostyle or thyroid (vertebrates have a thyroid, all other chordates have an endostyle. they both do the same basic thing only a thyroid has some functions an endostyle does not)

5. post anal tail (exactly what it sounds like. obviously many chordates only have this in the embryonic stages as well. humans have one but grow out of it very early in gestation)

Evolutionary Adaptations

   Survive on land

   Breath are (lungs)

   Limbs to move

   Jaws to break down food

   Regulate internal temp

Ecological importance

   Replace nutrients on soil when passed away

   Keep popu;ation of animals down to reduce over pop                        
Example of kingdom

    Flamingo (Phoenicopterus)Found in tropical and suptropic

   Six different species

   19 bones in neck

   Colors come from diet

   On one leg to reduce amount of body heat in cold water

   Males and females feed yound with milk

   The name flamingo comes form latin word flamenco meaning fire, and refers to the bring color





   Spores spread by wind

   Sexual and asexual


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